Quote Originally Posted by Pokster View Post
Well he can't call an election......needs 2/3 of parliament to vote for it or he needs to get rid of the fixed term Parliamant (majority of 1) to enable him to call one when he likes
Can someone summarise this mess for me, please? I have lost interest in this story which has now been going on for years.

MPs have put this legislation forward that will mean Boris has to ask the EU to extend the deadline to 31/01 (if it wins, as expected). Boris will then call a GE (or not as I have read in other places?) in the hope of essentially ignoring this legislation (rather makes a mockery of legislation).

If he does hold a GE and wins then will he not be in the same issue as he is now? If he loses then we'll likely remain with Comrade Corbyn at the helm?