Quote Originally Posted by eastgermanautos View Post
Well, what's your view then? I mean, I think I have a fairly solid grasp on it because you talk of almost nothing else. But where does an article like this err? We're just trying to understand the rabbit hole down which all you people have gone. I am, at least. Although I'm not that interested, mind you.
Well apart from the fact that it's a horrifically biased ad hominem attack that doesn't even pretend to be balanced, it horribly over-estimates (to the point of actually lying) the sentiment towards Scottish independence. In fact, most polls show that there has been a decline in the desire to become independent since the 2014 referendum. That is unlikely to change.
It is also profoundly dishonest about the sentiment for a united Ireland. Although in fact the Good Friday Agreement has always made it explicit that, should a majority in favour of a united Ireland become apparent, that vote will be granted - so quite where he gets the idea that this is some kind of unthinkable catastrophe from I've no idea.
Also, your analysis is arse-about-face. The Brexit Party has always been a means to threaten the tories and keep them pro-Brexit. It has worked insofar as Boris' election is the party's response to that threat, but the idea that we're making Boris PM to get votes off Farage is nonsense. We're making him PM in the desperate hope that he might actually deliver what we voted for 3 years ago.