Quote Originally Posted by Tony C View Post
Couldn’t sleep again so decided to mix it up and see a movie.

The only thing on was The Lion King.

Never saw it and it was the only thing showing that late..also i was the only person there


This is for kids? It shouldn’t be. It’s fkin awful.

the animals all live in like some weird far left regime with some circle of life bullocks...really it’s f—ked up. The animals are all mates but willingly accept they are going to be killed and eaten all for this idea. It’s like Logan Runs where they all die at 30 except they go all Solyent Green with the bodies.

and there’s this cat called Scar helping all those at the bottom who are struggling to live. He’s the rightful king and tries to make changes so everyone can be happy but the whole movie is about this other cat called Simba who basically doesn’t want things to get better so forms his own version of Antifa and takes out Scar and all the poor people so the old way of constant killing can continue.


This movie should be banned imo
I did always feel that the movie rather glossed over the whole food chain thing. It's all very well calling it 'The Circle Of Life' when you're the predator imo. It's a rather less friendly concept when you're the one being ripped apart.