Mueller was FBI director back then, I think. But right now, everyone's trying to cover their own arses, blame everybody else. Mueller's people say he and the Feeb had more than enough evidence to throw away the Epstein cell key but the prosecutors, including Acosta, tied their hands. (In fairness, it is not actually the FBI's job to prosecute people; that's what actual prosecutors are for). For his part, Acosta says "intelligence people" (Mueller's FBI? Comey's? Or people even more powerful than that? People from Arkansas perhaps?) ordered him to leave Epstein alone, so he did.

As for JE's money; well, they say he's a maths prodigy. So, add dodgy offshore fund-management, blackmailing the rich, famous and powerful and confidence trickstering to that and you're not going to be short of a few quid, are you. Although, I gather his actual wealth is probably over-estimated.

Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
Yes, I read that about Costa. Wasn’t Mueller involved too?

What better way to exercise control than to have evidence on the rich and powerful then send your clockwork toys out into the world to do your bidding?

Question is : Where did Epstein really get his money from? Who was he working for?

I see Branson and Blair have been mentioned as passengers. Oh Lordy,