Quote Originally Posted by WES View Post
Well yes, but the reality is that we don’t really know how many people want to leave the EU at an cost, not at any level. Boris will be successful only if he can convince the majority of Tories that the options are a hard Brexit or a good possibility of a Corbyn government. Hunt, on the other hand, might be able to play it several ways as he isn’t the all or nothing candidate that Boris seems to be. I also think you are under-estimating his ability to f*ck it up.

On a related note; I’m slightly worried about my all consuming hatred for John McDonnell. It started with irritation, moved on to outright hatred followed by YouTube searches of him being an idiot, and has now progressed to dreams about killing him.

I think I may need help.
Hunt is just continuity May. Electing him would simply allow the Brexit Party to go nuclear. The Tory party couldn't survive it.