Quote Originally Posted by WES View Post
Yes, I agree completely, however I can't accept a GE with even the smallest possibility of Corbyn/McDonnell/Abbott getting into power. And even if I did, the Conservatives are never going to call one.

So going back to being practical, you have to ask yourself what are the conditions under which this parliament will exit the EU? One is by agreeing a deal, something which I think is impossible. Secondly, via a referendum which makes it absolutely clear that the public prefer no deal to Remain.

It's the only option I can see.
There may be a GE scenario where a no-dealer is elected as Tory leader, who then faces a no-confidence vote from Tory remainer MPs who are then backed by Labour.

With May gone surely her discredited WA must surely go with her, while and WTO v Remain is better than WA v Remain, however much you try to sugar-coat it with words like 'confirmatory', a second referendum with Remain on the ticket does not respect the first result.

Anyway, I think George Galloway was right when he said that Labour was finished. I don't have the exact quote but basically the coalition between metropolitan middle class remainers and traditional working class leavers is over. The party machinery is dominated by the former, who will likely go hard-remain, and Labour won't be getting their traditional (leave) voters back.