Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
But it wouldn't.

All the polling shows the opposite:


The majority now want to remain, and many Leavers won't take a no deal, or won't take May's deal.

I also think we should have a run off between the top 2 a couple of weeks later like they do in France

That way we can have a proper discussion about what no deal entails.
Yeah but polling results are no justification for a second referendum. The justification is that the Leave vote was clearly driven by a ‘we will get a deal’ message, even Farage admits that. If even 600k people of the 17.4mil who voted Leave would have voted differently if they knew it was a no deal, the result would have been Remain.

And as importantly, parliament is clearly at odds with the referendum. The only way to resolve it is to go back to the people with a very clear definition of the options. Leave means no deal, and we always knew what Remain meant so we now have clarity.

Problem is, there are no shortage of Leave voters who are terrified that it was a one off that could never be repeated. Farage falls into this category imo.