As Sir C is the last remaining human on earth who likes GoT, but hasn't bothered to catch up with it
**** writing has destroyed the show the last few years. I mean it looked great and all last night but the horrendous writing to get to that point made the pay off very meh. Dragon Woman going full mentaller on a whim was just stupid. It would have actually paid off well if we saw it over a few episodes. Then you have to put up with all the genius cunning characters from the first 4 or 5 seasons having turned down syndrome overnight.
I saw this tweet today from a gentleman called Muhammed Butt. One assumes this is how young people think and speak these days. It's interesting...
"Dany has been a bad guy from TIME AGO. basically since the end of season three? maybe you didn't realise because she's white and peng but she's been going around colonizing the shít out of Essos. did you think she wouldn't bring that energy to Westeros?"