Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
You said we could have got 'impressive managers' like Pocchetino or the Ajax bloke, but didn't because we hung on to Wenger.

The clear implication of that is that Emery is not 'impressive' (i.e. ****).

Let's face it, you Wenger haters have backed yourselves into a corner. You have to praise what we have now because it's what you pushed for for years. Sometimes that means defending the indefensible - such as not holding the manager responsible when a team that had a top four finish there for the taking instead capitulated because it can't get a single point from four games against Leicester, Watford, Palace or Everton.
I mean don't get me wrong, it's genuinely funny watching you scurrying around trying to find excuses. But it's funny-sad rather than funny ha-ha.
So a manager who isn't as impressive as Pochettino or Klopp is therefore sh1t? There is nothing in between?

And I was never a Wenger hater. I loved him when he performed at a high level and felt he needed to be replaced when he was no longer performing at the level the club needed. Calling someone who feels that way a 'Wenger hater' is as illogical as calling a manager sh1t because he isn't as impressive as Klopp.

Stick to grammar, Burney.