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Thread: Game of Thrones was ****ing ace :cloud9:

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  1. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    What were they complaining about?

    Arya was always my fave character. wd the ninja assassin. Splintered the enemy good and proper. Like chucking a ring of power in Mount Doom.
    Lots are complaining about Cersei seemingly being the "main boss". They think after 8 seasons of build up the Night King and the threat beyond the wall was defeated too easily. At the end of the day he was just a really strong bloke who could raise the dead. The fact he could be defeated by the stab of a Valyrian steel blade made him just as vulnerable as a mortal man. Arya was the perfect choice for the job.

    Someone posted this on reddit which i thought was rather good.

    **** your theories. **** Azor Ahai. **** the Night King.

    I am convinced that the comic book guys on here never watched the show or read the books.

    "We need to learn what his motivations were"

    There's a whole episode on that - he was created by the COTF to wage war on mankind. Because of the manner of his creation, he also bore a grudge against his creators. He had no noble purpose, no activating reason, beyond wishing to destroy all life. What more do we need?

    "But we never got a fight, dude died without ever swinging the sword in anger"

    Yes, but whose fault is that? Throughout the series, we see the Night King avoiding one on one combat. He hangs back from the fight at Hardhome. He always keeps a ring of dead ****ers around him. And last night, he had the chance to take on Jon 1 on 1, and what do we see happen? He runs from a fight again.

    "But muh theories are clear - he was to be killed by Azor Ahai, the Prince that Was Promised"

    **** your theories. **** Azor Ahai. **** the Night King.

    They were always just that - theories. The Arya endgame was there in front of all our eyes and we missed it. The dagger was there, in front of our eyes, and we missed it. "What do we say to the God of Death" was there, in front of our eyes, and we missed it. The flaming sword? It was there. The move she used to kill him? She practised it on Brienne JUST LAST SEASON, right in front of our eyes. The Prince who would lead the army of the living? He's right there. The battle between Ice and Fire? A whole episode about it, we just watched.

    "But Arya just teleported to the Tree"

    How far away do you guys think the Godswood is from the castle, exactly? She had plenty of time. She's a trained silent assassin.
    What did you want? A speech? "I must kill the Night King, that's what you mean, Melisandre. All right. I shall go now to the Godswood. And the cameras shall follow me, to kill all suspense".
    "But it's not plausible that Muh Night King could be killed by the person who snuck inside the Twins, one of the most impregnable castles in the realm. It's not plausible that he could be killed by someone trained by the most fearsome and feared assassin's guild in the known world. It's not possible that this person who we've literally seen sneaking around and hiding in plain sight could sneak up on someone who didn't know she existed". Listen to yourselves.

    The episode wasn't perfect. In places it was badly shot. They chickened out on some deaths (Brienne, for example, would have packed an emotional punch, or Gilly and the baby, or Grey Worm).

    But this argument about the plot is neckbeard bull****. Classic "I'm not emotionally satisfied so it's bad". Well, you guys are going to be so pissed when Daenarys and Jon take the throne in the end and usher in a new era of peace. I can't wait.
    Last edited by Billy Goat Sverige; 04-30-2019 at 09:43 AM.

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