Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
Well, I'd say that without the ongoing story of churches being targeted in France your "huge probaility that it is an accident, with a small chance it was arson" would be the sensible conclusion, but when you add in the knowledge that recently this stuff keeps happeneing, surely your view changes a little? I mean "huge probability" versus "small chance"? Really?
1. It happened around 7pm French time, didn't it? I've spent a lot of time around that Church in the last 3 months and I'm telling you, there's at very least a short queue to get in, sometimes a long one. You get your bags searched on the way in. There are loads of people inside, wandering around, all taking photos on phones, lighting candles (as I did a few times in front of Jeanne d'Arc) etc etc.

There is absolutely no way anyone could get in there with stuff to start a fire - they won't let me in with a can of 8.6 in the bag, so a bottle of petrol is a no-no - manage to walk round without being on a dozen tourists' cameras and get into the loft (cos there's no way you can start a fire in a corner with a Church full of tourists without being seen), set the place on fire, get down from the loft and get out without being caught.

Absolutely none.

The place is shut at night. When it's open, there are guards searching bags on the entrances and it's always full of tourists.

So please, C, how on earth can you think anyone would start a fire at 7pm in a guarded, crowded church?

2. Imagine it was an evil allan as B suggests. As I say, he'd get caught 'cos of all the camera phones and the police presence outside every single time I was walking through there. If he gets caught, he gets banged up for life doing that. Surely it's better to murder a few kaffirs and go to paradise?

3. What with the GJs, there wasn't any Muslim **** when I was there. But there was some strong anti-clerical stuff. There always has been, what with laicité and all that. That report says hardcore secularists or feminists. Ok, I wasn't in a Muslim area and I don't see how anyone could have got in and started one at that time. And I doubt any would actually do ND. But I would say either of those, in the current climate, are actually more likely than muzzies if we were talking about some minor desecration of a small church.

4. Also around late Feb, there were loads of Swastikas on Jewish graves up in Alsace and loads more desecrated in the suburbs. Macron et al started saying it was all us GJs and that cünt Bremner in the Times started parroting it. The French Bernis said it was all the Muzzies. Turns out that the stuff in the East was by some neo-nazi group called The Wolves of Alsace (but in German) while the stuff in the suburbs was some middle-aged, local govt chief financial officer for the 94 dept, with known FN and other far right links.

Bet you a bloc of foie gras to a can of Brew it wasn't allans.

It's an accident. Started in the loft, no way anyone can get in there with the guards and the crowds et al. And they had gennies up there with loads of wires.

Hate to break it to you.

If you go to St Paul Church on Rue Rivoli towards Bastille, that would have been easy to do. Been in there alone several times and there's a lovely Delacroix.

But there is no way any arsonist is getting in and out of ND unseen at 7pm on a Monday night.

Not a hope in hell.