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Thread: Forza Citeh, etc

  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert Augustus Chapman View Post
    Back in the pre-internet days of course, you could get away with all sorts of reinvention shít. Bowie originally allowed us to believe he was from Brixton rather than renting a bedsit there for a short while after he'd left home (or some such).

    I'm sure I remember Strummer claiming in the NME circa 79/80 that he had never lived below the tenth floor of the Tower Block he grew up in by The Westway.

    I think even Lydon's claims to have been a North Bank regular in the late 70's have a specious smack about them. I was on that terrace for most of '74 - 81 and I reckon he would have stood out like a dog's bollócks. Punks, if you remember, just did not do football.

    (this was a response to Ash n Berni - can't be arsed to delete and re-post)
    Brixton can fúck off. Bowie was, of course, a product of Bromley. Although his brother was in the loony bin at Cane Hill just outside Croydon and topped himself himself at nearby South Coulsdon station.

    Mind you, claiming to be from Brixton wasn't the worst of his sins. **** claimed he was from outer space at one point.

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by WES View Post
    Mick never pretended to be anything other than middle class, tbf. He was always the intellectual, cultured one. I mean, writing one of their best and most famous songs based on Bulgakov's novel and Baudelaire hardly marks him out as a man of the streets, does it?
    The give away with Mick w is the line "I see my red door, I must have it painted black" not "I must nip down to B&Q, buy a pot of paint and paint the fúcker myself".

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by WES View Post
    I think you're getting carried away with this 'musician only sings about personal experiences' thing, Burney.

    I mean, you would want Chuck Berry to be restricted to songs about p1ssing on white prostitutes and shagging 14 year old girls, would you?
    No, but in Stray Cat Blues, Mick does sing about shagging 15 year-old girls.

    Of course I'm not asking for all records to be based on personal experience (I'm pretty sure Elton John has never been on a rocket or missed his wife), I only get irritated when the persona becomes such a part of the artist's image that we start to forget it's a persona.
    Last edited by Burney; 04-05-2019 at 03:03 PM.

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert Augustus Chapman View Post
    The give away with Mick w is the line "I see my red door, I must have it painted black" not "I must nip down to B&Q, buy a pot of paint and paint the fúcker myself".
    I heard it on something the other day and it struck me just what a weird song 'She's A Rainbow' was to come from the Stones. It's not a bad song, it's just not a Stones song.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
    I heard it on something the other day and it struck me just what a weird song 'She's A Rainbow' was to come from the Stones. It's not a bad song, it's just not a Stones song.
    From their psychedelic effort, Satanic Majesties Request - whole thing was pretty pointless and f*cked up. Much like them at that point.

    I suppose being out of your mind on LSD for most of the year is a pretty good excuse for pretty much anything.

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by WES View Post
    From their psychedelic effort, Satanic Majesties Request - whole thing was pretty pointless and f*cked up. Much like them at that point.

    I suppose being out of your mind on LSD for most of the year is a pretty good excuse for pretty much anything.
    Imagine if they'd had a George Martin producing. Might have been slightly grittier version of the galactically brilliant Sgt Pepper's

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert Augustus Chapman View Post
    Imagine if they'd had a George Martin producing. Might have been slightly grittier version of the galactically brilliant Sgt Pepper's
    Yes. Which is what they were clearly aping - despite repeatedly denying it for years and years.

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert Augustus Chapman View Post
    Imagine if they'd had a George Martin producing. Might have been slightly grittier version of the galactically brilliant Sgt Pepper's
    I often wonder what The Kinks early work might have sounded like if George had produced them instead of Shel Talmy. There might have been some better guitar solos for a start.

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    I often wonder what The Kinks early work might have sounded like if George had produced them instead of Shel Talmy. There might have been some better guitar solos for a start.
    Be fair: they wrote probably the two most seminal riffs in modern music.

  10. #70
    I do like one or two of his songs but, basically, anybody who writes or performs a hit record deserves great respect, imo.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    Good Lord.

    I think that about wraps it up.
    "Plenty of strikers can score goals," he said, gesturing to the famous old stands casting shadows around us.

    "But a lot have found it difficult wearing the number 9 shirt for The Arsenal."

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