Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
beloved got me a set with a proper badger tail brush*.

But the Mach 3 blades are a scam now. They are nowhere near as sharp as they used to be. Even when I buy them expensively in reputable French chainstores, not just online. I refuse to pay four quid for a blade I can use just once.

So what do I get?

Part of me wants to get a cut throat like they shave me in India. But given I cut myself with the safety razors shaving on K, I be at risk of topping myself accidentally.

I found a SL Tamil who shaves me in Paris for €7. At the start of the century I had a 'Stani in Barca who'd do it for two.

But I reckon you need to be a born and bred sub-continental to do it properly.

All genuine advice appreciated.

*Pointless factoid. The French use the word blaireau for both the animal and the shaving brush.
Funnily enough i'm having the exact same predicament. I've used mach 3 for yonks but for the past year their blades have been ****. I'm debating whether to get the Gillette Fusion Styler so i can do a bit of both (trim and leave stubble or clean shave) or a Dorco 6 because the blades are cheaper.