Nonsense, I'm afraid. They've bantered you off. You're looking at it the wrong way. It sounds like in your formative years, it's women that taught you how to be a man. I'll bet you were even present at your kid's birth?

If the bird you've just knocked up believes you find her vile, or merely even anything less than as attractive as ever, if not even more so, she will never, ever forgive you for this betrayal (she believes she is doing you a favour, carrying your child). Which means bairns #2, #3 and so on, you know, an actual family, likely won't happen. In fact, the marriage/partnership is, to all intents and purposes, dead.

Now, the dolly in this situation is vulnerable and needs support and protection so the thing will perhaps last for a bit, but only until she gets her breath back. Then, one way or another, officially or unofficially, there will be a break-up. At the very least an irreparable, spiritual one.

And from there, society and civilisation and all that sort of thing dies.

Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Why? From an evolutionary point of view, you're not meant to find pregnant women attractive since they're a reproductive dead end. You're only supposed to find women you can impregnate attractive.