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Thread: I always thought the Speaker's role was simply that of a chairman of the

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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
    Dear God, you're unhinged.

    There are many theories on why we have such a woeful callibre of politician nowadays compared to the latter half of the C20th. But EU membership isn't one of them.

    If you think any MP's loyalty to the EU is more than their loyalty to their own interests, their party and their consituents, let alone to their country you're deranged. But that's because you can't see the blindingly obvious - that a great many MPs believe EU membership to be in the interests of their constituents and the nation as a whole.

    And why is it you lot only describe Brussels bureaucrats as unelected, never our own ones?

    The irony of this whole fiasco being down to the red lines drawn up not by our elected representatives but by Nick'n'Fi, two unelected bureaucrats, is delicious.

    And if you don't think the speaker should uphold constitutional precedence, then how do you think things should work? Make it up on the fly? The Brexiters have tried that for the last 2-3 years and it doesn't look like the best way to do things, imo.

    You talk about impartiality but you're now in the stage where you are twisting everything to be seen through the prism of your views on Brexit. Not healthy.

    If a speaker had used this to stop a Lab govt. doing something you hated, you'd be raising a glass to King James VI/I and telling us all that this is why we're better than foreigners with no history and their silly,continental written constitutions.
    I don't think you're in a position to call anyone unhinged when all you do is come on here and dribble incoherent shíte. Fùck off.

    How fùcking dare you try and tell me what I would or would not feel if the boot were on the other foot? You know fùck all about me, you presumptuous cùnt. Fùck off.

    The speaker has been demonstrably inconsistent in his application of precedent and you know it, you disingenuous prick. Fùck off.

    The only thing you like about the EU is that it allowed you and your worthless, stinking, wastrel scum mates to fart around Europe playing at rebellion and making the place unpleasant for everyone else for a decade or so. The fact that this support for a corporatist technocracy is wildly inconsistent with your childish anti-establishment pose doesn't bother you as, like most slavish hypocrites, you have cognitive dissonance down to a fine art. When push comes to shove, you are a deeply, deeply conformist little fùckpig Fùck off.

    As for your pathetic whataboutery regarding our unelected officials, the shortcomings of our system do not justify accepting the shortcomings of another system. That is obvious to anyone with a functioning brain cell. What's more, it's within our power to change our system - it is not within our power to change the EU. Fùck off.

    Just fùck off. Cùnt.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
    I don't think you're in a position to call anyone unhinged when all you do is come on here and dribble incoherent shíte. Fùck off.

    How fùcking dare you try and tell me what I would or would not feel if the boot were on the other foot? You know fùck all about me, you presumptuous cùnt. Fùck off.

    The speaker has been demonstrably inconsistent in his application of precedent and you know it, you disingenuous prick. Fùck off.

    The only thing you like about the EU is that it allowed you and your worthless, stinking, wastrel scum mates to fart around Europe playing at rebellion and making the place unpleasant for everyone else for a decade or so. The fact that this support for a corporatist technocracy is wildly inconsistent with your childish anti-establishment pose doesn't bother you as, like most slavish hypocrites, you have cognitive dissonance down to a fine art. When push comes to shove, you are a deeply, deeply conformist little fùckpig Fùck off.

    As for your pathetic whataboutery regarding our unelected officials, the shortcomings of our system do not justify accepting the shortcomings of another system. That is obvious to anyone with a functioning brain cell. What's more, it's within our power to change our system - it is not within our power to change the EU. Fùck off.

    Just fùck off. Cùnt.
    Now that's what I call a robust rebuttal.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
    Now that's what I call a robust rebuttal.
    I do feel better for it.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
    Now that's what I call a robust rebuttal.
    He should have said what he feels rather than pussy footing around the subject
    Northern Monkey ... who can't upload a bleeding Avatar

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
    I don't think you're in a position to call anyone unhinged when all you do is come on here and dribble incoherent shíte. Fùck off.

    How fùcking dare you try and tell me what I would or would not feel if the boot were on the other foot? You know fùck all about me, you presumptuous cùnt. Fùck off.

    The speaker has been demonstrably inconsistent in his application of precedent and you know it, you disingenuous prick. Fùck off.

    The only thing you like about the EU is that it allowed you and your worthless, stinking, wastrel scum mates to fart around Europe playing at rebellion and making the place unpleasant for everyone else for a decade or so. The fact that this support for a corporatist technocracy is wildly inconsistent with your childish anti-establishment pose doesn't bother you as, like most slavish hypocrites, you have cognitive dissonance down to a fine art. When push comes to shove, you are a deeply, deeply conformist little fùckpig Fùck off.

    As for your pathetic whataboutery regarding our unelected officials, the shortcomings of our system do not justify accepting the shortcomings of another system. That is obvious to anyone with a functioning brain cell. What's more, it's within our power to change our system - it is not within our power to change the EU. Fùck off.

    Just fùck off. Cùnt.
    Easy, tiger

    “Other clubs never came into my thoughts once I knew Arsenal wanted to sign me.”

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
    I don't think you're in a position to call anyone unhinged when all you do is come on here and dribble incoherent shíte. Fùck off.

    How fùcking dare you try and tell me what I would or would not feel if the boot were on the other foot? You know fùck all about me, you presumptuous cùnt. Fùck off.

    The speaker has been demonstrably inconsistent in his application of precedent and you know it, you disingenuous prick. Fùck off.

    The only thing you like about the EU is that it allowed you and your worthless, stinking, wastrel scum mates to fart around Europe playing at rebellion and making the place unpleasant for everyone else for a decade or so. The fact that this support for a corporatist technocracy is wildly inconsistent with your childish anti-establishment pose doesn't bother you as, like most slavish hypocrites, you have cognitive dissonance down to a fine art. When push comes to shove, you are a deeply, deeply conformist little fùckpig Fùck off.

    As for your pathetic whataboutery regarding our unelected officials, the shortcomings of our system do not justify accepting the shortcomings of another system. That is obvious to anyone with a functioning brain cell. What's more, it's within our power to change our system - it is not within our power to change the EU. Fùck off.

    Just fùck off. Cùnt.
    Ooooh. Touchy.

    Now where did I say that the UK's shortcomings justify accepting the EU's? I didn't. I simply said it was deliciously ironic that those who banged on about "unelected bureaucrats" were having their dream dismantled in part by the red lines drawn up by two unelected bureaucrats.

    Just like it's ironic that those who wanted to take back control called our judges traitors for upholding the rule of law in this country.

    And for the record, my life dossing around Europe has no bearing on my desire to remain in the EU. I'm a globalist. The C19th concept of modern nation states is clearly going to give way to continental sized economies.

    But I have spent my entire adult life trying to bring people from different nations, classes, religions, castes and cultures together.

    To say it's just about the Teknivals would be as stupid as claiming I want the reunification of India just so I have more Urdu speaking cities to doss around taking drugs in.

    And there's no inconsistancy between my support for technocratic govt and my lifestyle. Brexit has proved most fückwits shouldn't be let anywhere near a polling booth. And politicians think far too short term, they only care about winning the next election.

    Much as it pains me to say it, China has vastly out-performed India during the globalisation of the last 2-3 decades. Because China can think long term while in India, not only do their elections make them short-termist, but they also have to deal with perpetual coalitions of parties representing different castes and regions.

    I'm not calling for autocracy, but do I think the civil service running the country advised by different committes made up of a combination of normal people and experts in that field could do any worse than this shower? No.

    And of course I'm a hypocrite. I want to live in my pseudo-anarchic, self-policing Asterisk's village, while expecting the rule of law to reign outside. I want to live in a community which doesn't care about money while having a lovely global economic system outside to build the roads and make the trucks and drill the oil and build the speakers and farm the food and brew the booze that we need to throw a party.

    Do you really think we're all so stupid that we aren't aware of our own hypocrisy? It forms the basis of much of our self-deprecating humour.

    And finally:

    "What's more, it's within our power to change our system - it is not within our power to change the EU. Fùck off."

    What makes you think that we share a definition of us? I consider myself a European and it's clearly within our power to change the EU.

    I accept that it's harder than working within one nation, but that's the nature of a union pooling sovereignty.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
    And of course I'm a hypocrite. I want to live in my pseudo-anarchic, self-policing Asterisk's village, while expecting the rule of law to reign outside. I want to live in a community which doesn't care about money while having a lovely global economic system outside to build the roads and make the trucks and drill the oil and build the speakers and farm the food and brew the booze that we need to throw a party.
    So there we have it. You support the EU because you openly despise democracy and wish to be ruled by technocrats and giant capitalist corporations.

    Yet you hang around with yellow vests, boast of decades of selfish nihilism and pretend to be a rebel.

    Why would anyone take you seriously?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    So there we have it. You support the EU because you openly despise democracy and wish to be ruled by technocrats and giant capitalist corporations.

    Yet you hang around with yellow vests, boast of decades of selfish nihilism and pretend to be a rebel.

    Why would anyone take you seriously?
    Don't forget the looting, a.

    the looting of haute couture boutiques...

    that'll smash the system.
    “Other clubs never came into my thoughts once I knew Arsenal wanted to sign me.”

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    So there we have it. You support the EU because you openly despise democracy and wish to be ruled by technocrats and giant capitalist corporations.

    Yet you hang around with yellow vests, boast of decades of selfish nihilism and pretend to be a rebel.

    Why would anyone take you seriously?
    Where did I say I want to be ruled by giant corporations? One of the things I like most about the EU is the fact that they are prepared to break up monopolies and fine companies that transgress.

    The only hope we have of dealing with multi-national tax scams and the abuses of the US tech giants is through the EU.

    Believe it or not, while I'm aware of the EU's many imperfections, I actually think it can be a force for good in this world.

    In the future, in an increasingly globalised world, there will only be 3 rule makers. The Chinks, the Septics and the EU. And only the EU will be prepared to hold the tech giants to account.

    But yes, I would rather be ruled by accountable technocrats that the semi-literate self-serving ****wits that make up much of our political class. Would you rather the country was run by the front bench of either main party or our top civil servants?

    We have a NI sec who doesn't understand how people vote there, a Brexit sec who didn't know a lot of our trade goes through Dover and Dianne Abacus. Give me the CS high flyers any day.

    Though out of interest, if I give my own time and money to help throw a party that tens of thousands then enjoy for free, just how am I being selfish and nihilistic? Surely that would be the dictionary definitions of selfless and creative?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
    Where did I say I want to be ruled by giant corporations? One of the things I like most about the EU is the fact that they are prepared to break up monopolies and fine companies that transgress.
    When you said you were a globalist. One follows the other like night follows day. Globalism is a paradise for predatory capital, seeking the lowest costs anywhere in the world. For workers, this means a race for the bottom, where the person that will do the job for the lowest wage, for the longest hours, and in the worst conditions .... "wins".

    But yes, I would rather be ruled by accountable technocrats that the semi-literate self-serving ****wits that make up much of our political class. Would you rather the country was run by the front bench of either main party or our top civil servants?
    Civil servants, aka the permanent government, cannot be accountable unless you elect them. I'd like to see both parties blown up (not literally) and replaced by parties representing the new divide - globalist technocracy v democratic sovereignty.

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