Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Quite a jolly weekend, really. Tottenham lost, Liverpool dropped points (dangling the delicious prospect of them not winning the league), there was much hilarity with Chelsea's shenanigans and we ground out a tedious and uninspiring victory. Also, I believe this unseasonal weather will suit us, since our players are all glove-wearing homo types.

However, things will look very different next week after the foul hebrews have rammed their collective scabby, circumcised cock up our collective fundament until we haemorrhage internally.
Oh, come on B.

I hate him as much as you do. But Laca scored a sexy flick, and when Ozil joined Rambo, Ozil's flick to Auba almost made a sexissima goal.

Flicks, see? Dat's wot Ize like.

Yes, we could have been 1-0 down not up. Yes, Xhaka giving the ball away could have made it 2-1 with 40 ins to play.

But we saw some flicks.

For the last 2 games, the snaggle-toothed vampire has realised that AFC play better with a no.10.

Ok, ideally I want two No.10s - like our 2006 CL team - 4-1-4-1 with Rambo and Ozil central but it's a start.

Still hate him and want him to eff off. But as my Latin teacher said the only time in 3 years I got a question right "We should be thankful for small mercies."