Quote Originally Posted by Rich View Post
Do you think it's partly about proving that he's in charge? For him to come in and tell the two key first team players (Ramsey and JW) that the contracts that had been agreed were off the table & then also bench/drop Ozil completely suggests to me that it's as much a power thing than simply not rating these players.
No idea but would seem a little childish if so.

He was 100% correct in what he did to Wilshere and just as a matter of accuracy he did not withdraw any contract, he simply informed JW that he would not be in his immediate team plans and as such the player took the decision to move on. I now read he is banjaxed again and likely to miss the rest of the season.

The Ramsey decision was made by all parties at the club and was not just a decision of Emery.

Ozil a bit more of a conundrum but who knows what is happening behind the scenes. If for example the German has not bought into the Emery vision of play then the manager is correct in his course of action. The big issue with Ozil is his cost to the club. This is not an issue of Emery's making.