Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Representative democracy is fùcked, bgm. Largely because the representatives in question have forgotten to represent the people who voted for them, preferring instead to interpret their mandate as carte blanche to do whatever the fùck they like for four or five years.
It’s a bad, bad business.
All this is to keep out the Swedish Democrats, who will of course only grow because of this. One wonders what they'll do in 2022 when the Swedish Democrats will probably have close to a quarter of the vote.

The only good thing to come out of this is with the center/liberal parties going to the dark side and supporting the socialists we are now closer to having a conservative block. Hopefully the two parties left from the former center/liberal alliance will sweep up enough votes from the other two parties to give a conservative block a majority in the next election. Quite ironic that the decision of the two parties who left the liberal alliance to prevent the Swedish Democrats from having any say will probably end in the Swedish Democrats being part of a government in 2022