Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
At least they have an understanding of the basics of democratic accountability. And they cannot possibly be as thick as elitist, fake-left cùnts who think they'll be able to implement socialist policies after the next election when their darling neoliberal EU won't even let Italy pass a Keynsian, anti-austerity budget.

See you on the other side of the barricade. I'll be the one in the yellow vest. You'll be the one egging on the coppers with the machine guns.
Really, Ash?

I'm in Paris atm.

Was at the Gilet Jaune manif at the Arc de Triomphe on Sat. Tear gassed several times.

Wanna see the 5 min film about the French boxer who beat the CRS up the week before that I made in the 2-3 days before arriving on Tues and going to the protest on Sat?


But, yeah, I'm the neo-lib Tory and you're the rebel.