Quote Originally Posted by WES View Post
It was hardly May that ruled out no deal - it was most of Parliament. Not to mention the governor of the B of E and an endless array of business leaders. There was never any chance that the EU wouldn't see through the no deal threat, had she gone in and said 'we're prepared for no deal' the would have said 'go ahead then'. And regardless of her red lines the EU was never going to let Ireland be hammered - as they have said clearly, without a backstop there is no deal.

Nothing you have said makes any clear argument for us getting a deal any different than we have now had we negotiated differently. I have yet to hear anyone come up with one, not Rees-Mogg, not Boris, no one. And when they get pushed on how impossible our negotiating position is they inevitably admit that the only realistic alternative is no deal.

She was in an impossible position and we'll end up where we were always going to end up; Remain or no deal. There was nothing anyone could have done to prevent that. BTW, I consider the Norway option to be Remain, because it really is.
Well May's compromise means that A) I will not have to live in Netherlands/Germany/Ireland to stay with my other half and B) I can import wine from France and Italy without paying import duty.

These are, of course, the important things.