Quote Originally Posted by WES View Post
Yes, I was rather aware of that.

And while I have no issue with bombing the hell out of military targets, including industry and transportation, even if there is significant civilian collateral damage, I do draw the line at deliberately targeting civilian areas with bombs which would burn their homes to the ground and burn millions of civilians to death.

As McNamara said 'had we lost the war we would have been tried as war criminals, and what makes it right if you win but not if you lose?'.

Well said, Bob.
Pontificating on matters of morals with regard to a global, total, good vs evil conflict is a little bit silly.

Every civilian who failed to make it to the tank factory the following day was a minor step on the road to victory.

Had we lost the war we would have been tried irrespective of how we had behaved, because that was who we were fighting.