Quote Originally Posted by WES View Post
winds me up.

Listening to some Labour MP on Radio 4 yesterday and she dragged out the 'people voted for Brexit but they did not vote to lose jobs, a lack of economic growth, a loss of access to the common market etc etc blah blah blah'.

Absolute f*cking *******s, you thick muppet. The ballot that I checked and that everyone else checked said that you wanted to Leave, and nothing else. If you voted for it, then you voted for whatever you get. If reality has shown that leaving is very difficult (how thick would you have to be to not have known that) and there is a strong possibility that we get no deal (how thick would have to be to not have known that was a potential outcome) then too f*cking bad. If you don't like those options, then you shouldn't have voted to Leave.

I yelled at the radio good n proper when she brought that nonsense up.
All politicians are ****s. ****ing sick of them. We’ve got two parties over here who got about 14% of the vote and they’re basically stopping the country from having a government. They went to the polls as part of a four party coalition which together had 143 mandates with the other main coalition having 144 mandates. Both are unable to govern without the other standing aside (which isn’t going to happen because the last 4 years have shown its political suicide) or taking support in some form from the nationalist party who have 67 mandates.

After the election the coalition with 143 mandates and the nationalists voted to kick out the current prime minister meaning they were free to try and form a government. We’ve had two months of these two parties who got 14% trying to get the opposition coalition to stand aside and not vote against them which they’ve said not to many times. On Wednesday there’s a vote in parliament to appoint the man who they went to the polls with as their prime minister candidate and they’re going to vote against him because they don’t want to govern with support from the nationalists and want to keep having pointless talks with the opposition to try and get them to stand aside. So basically they’ve gone to the public with a manifesto which they’d be able to get through parliament over the next 4 years were they to vote yes tomorrow but will instead vote no because “morals”. I’d be fuming if I voted for them.