I got that as well and yet in an attempt to lose some weight and generally be healthier I had a very quiet week alcohol wise. Nothing at all to drink Mon-Thu, 3 pints at lunch followed by a pint down my local and two G&Ts at home on Friday, 5 pints over the course of the day and a glass of wine with dinner on Saturday and then 2 pints in the afternoon followed by 4 glasses of wine with dinner on Sunday.
How can that possibly put me worse than Belarus?
'A glass of wine with dinner'? Do you not find all that food rather dry without a bit more of a drink than that?
I just put in 4 pints of beer and 6 glasses of wine per week, that's it. And it came back telling me I drink far more than most people in the UK.
What a complete load of utter nonsense. BBC can f*ck right off with that sh1t.
Made me chuckle the other day, some survey about the best and worst motorways (worst were unsurprisingly M25 & M6), they then had the gall to suggest that the number 1 reason for people disliking them was "Not enough speed cameras".......said no one, ever
'A glass of wine with dinner'? Do you not find all that food rather dry without a bit more of a drink than that?
It was a rather large glass and no, not really. I had had enough alcohol at that point. One large glass of white with my arroz negro was more than enough.
I wonder what the average life expectancy of a UK muslim vs a non-muslim is?
Well you have to factor in the much higher levels of inbreeding in muslims, which lead to high rates of infant mortality and general spastication. Also, they are much more likely to blow themselves up.