Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
It's a shockingly poor comparison from the doorty big scotch lezzer, tbf. The crucifix a/ has no overtones of patriarchal oppression b/ Does not cover the face or any other part of the body in such a way as to inhibit identification or communication c/ Is not a forced upon anyone anywhere in the world.

Ultimately, the comparison is facile and doesn't stand up to even superficial scrutiny. I thought she was brighter than that, but it's increasingly clear that otherwise intelligent people are prepared to be utterly fvcking stupid in defence of anything to do with Islam.
What is the Catholic Church if not a wellspring of patriarchal oppression? Please. The lesbo is right, a burka is the same as a crucifix. In fact, it's not as powerful as the crucifix, the latter which is, you know, symbol of actual narrative events as portrayed in the bible.