Quote Originally Posted by The Insider View Post
Really not sure what AST or AISA or whoever are on about. The fans have never had a real voice and clubs are already businesses. All purchases in business are leveraged, just like your mortgage, and in this case we are not the guarantor let alone the loanee.

Surely with a new manager, a replenished squad and a new owner all at the start of a brand new season, we should all just get behind the team and give the new set up time.

Unless, of course, you just want to be seen as some Twitter warrior who is first to comment on anything and everything and the more stupid and reactionary your knee-jerk comments are, the better......
I was listening to thon Arseblog fellow. Andrew, Irish fella. Seems a decent chap. I think he's posted here in the past

Anyway, there he was the other day, discussing pre-season and the start of the new season and... well, frankly, moaning about everything. The rumours of Gazidis moving, for example, demonstrate that there is something seriously wrong with the way the club is run. (Not that anything's actually happened with Gazidis, but Arsenal supporters don't actually need anything to happen before they begin moaning.) The defence is no good, Ramsey's off, everything's shít, man.

It quite put me off looking forward to a new season.