Quote Originally Posted by WES View Post
Yes, all true. I would add that Canada is a very young country relatively speaking so it's lack of history and cultural traditions possibly feeds the insecurity. It is also a quite unique country in that it has a relatively small population spread across an enormous geographical area so the development of a set of common cultural traditions is rather difficult. The federal policy of multi-culturalism came about largely because of this. They didn't have anything that defined them so they decided to focus on their diversity and as a result they continue to focus on it and continue to lack the sort of history and traditions that make other countries so interesting.

A vicious circle which Canada seems unable to break. Again, not sure what Sweden's excuse is as virtually none of that applies to them as far as I know.
The young country thing is interesting as well. Australia and New Zealand also appear particularly susceptible to the most extreme forms of identity politics silliness.