Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
It is perfectly legitimate that, on the questions of sovereignty and self-determination, people should be offered a referendum. There are clear precedents for this - not least in the 1975 vote to stay in the Common Market, the devolution referenda and the Scottish vote to remain in the Union. There was precisely zero outcry about the dangers of direct democracy after those results precisely because the results went the way the establishment wanted them to.
Afterwards, precisely no-one questioned their legitimacy even - as in the case for Welsh devolution - the margin of victory was infinitesimally small. Nobody said people didn't know what they were voting for or suggested that it was for elected representatives to fudge, delay and frustrate their outcomes. Why not? Because they went the 'right' way.
The Brexit vote did not go the 'right' way. And now suddenly the establishment and its slavish adherents (like you) are out in force saying it can't happen because it threatens representative democracy - having never made the argument about any other referendum we've ever had.
In other words, your sudden concern for representative over direct democracy is nothing more than hypocritical, self-serving cant that is manifesting purely because you didn't get your own way.
It is also perfectly legitimate that, on the questions of sovereignty and self-determination, people aren't.

We didn't vote on Charles II's execution, the Glorious Rev, the Great Reform Act etc etc etc.

We didn't vote on giving up India or entering the EEC or the change to the EU or on EU enlargement.

B - you're not stupid. You know full well that the 52% voted for many different things, none of which would command a majority on its own. You know why both parties and politics in general has been completely hamstrung by this fact.

So you're either just basically trolling the remainers, or you simply don't want to admit this because it could lead to the Greening solution.

I was chatting with a rabid Brexiter on the Times yesterday but both agreed we need another referendum. There was no vote for any type of Brexit, the Tory leadership campaign meant, as last woman standing, she didn't even have a mandate from her party. And the country refused to give her one at the GE the next year.

As such, there is no mandate and no-one knows what to do, leading the two wings of the Tory party ever closer to civil war.

The chap on the Times and I both agreed we need one last vote, with AV, as suggested. Then whatever wins, even by 1 vote, we all just shut up cos it's getting tedious now.