Quote Originally Posted by Tony C View Post
Uruguay vs France - Torrreira might prove more destructive to the French midfield than Mbappe against the Uruguayan defence imo Cavani will be huge loss to Uruguay if he isn’t fully fit.

Brazil vs Belgium - I don’t see this as a shoot out but more as another cosy 2nil win for Brazil. They are light years ahead of KDB et al

Croatia vs Russia - We’re into the championship rounds now (UFC speak) so it’s time for Putin to reveal his master plan imo there’s no way Croatia walk out of Moscow as winners. No way.

England vs Sweden - I’ll keep this simple...nil-nil with England on penalties...expect a long and tortuous game of trench warfare as England pick up injuries and suspensions to leave them exposed for a semi final showdown vs Russia.

The final shot of the night will be Putin looking at the sun rise like Thanos in Infinity War imo
Only an idiot would try to predict the outcome in these games after what we've seen happen so far Tone...

France v Belgium & Croatia v Sweden