Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
The thing is, a, in theory I support England. And then I see the England team and I just can’t do it.
England have been hurting me with their shyteness as I've supported them for the last 45 years, bar perhaps a couple of tournaments. The failure of the over-hyped 'golden generation' and particularly players like I mentioned above tipped me over into despondancy, and the whole local rival component of the current squad, at a time our club has fallen backwards, with our own English players falling short, left me feeling bereft of support for them going into this one.

But, as a limited team I do think they have something that their predecessors lacked, despite their youth and limited abilities. Not that I expect them to beat better teams, but they are missing the arrogance of the previous bunch of shítcùnts, who believed seemingly in their own hype & destiny but never remotely resembled a cohesive unit. You can point to periods of the game today when they were poor, but in other moments they looked like a team - not a brilliant team, but a team nevertheless, and Southgate should get credit for that imo.