Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
The 'mountain' of evidence being provided by ... wait for it ... the Ukrainian secret service? And the freelance NATO shill Bellingcat?

What possible motive would the Russian government have for shooting down that aircraft? It may have been a mistake by anti-Kiev forces but Cui Bono? Not the Kremlin.
Nice to see you haven't lost your objectivity on all things Russian, Ash.

No, that would be the mountain of evidence from the international investigation team, from the Guardian that noted right wing paper:

The joint investigation team (JIT) looking into the incident is made up of Dutch prosecutors and police and others from Australia, Malaysia and Ukraine. They showed photos and video of the convoy that carried the missile system over the border from Russia to Ukraine, and a series of distinctive markings and serial numbers which they said had enabled them to trace the exact system used in the attack, and trace it to the 53rd brigade.

And the motive was that they made a mistake. The problem being that they made it when in an area they weren't meant to be in, an area they denied they had entered.

Does Putin have a video of you p1ssing on prostitutes, Ash?