Yes, a sly glance is a good description. And any man with some common sense or intuition can tell if they are put off by it or quite enjoy it. It isn't that hard.
It's called flirting really, and it's part of life and it will be a sad day when pious Nazis like Charles manage to deny men *and* women of the pleasure it brings.
Firstly, I never boasted about staring, I simply implied that most men do it and it really isn't a big deal. Secondly, if a woman, or a man for that matter, doesn't want to be looked at a glance is no different than a stare. A good way not to be looked at is to not dress in a way that encourages it. And I think the overwhelming majority of women understand that and behave accordingly.
Thirdly, I think you're taking the p1ss.
There is no one rule fits all here as has been pointed out, some chicks like it and welcome it. Others do not and they are entitled to.
It is like the Nazis who have stopped all the dolly birds in F1 (think it was F1) even though said ladies were choosing of their own free will to do the job, enjoying it, being paid for it.
The increasingly tight rules which modern society force on us saddens me.
I was watching a program about Irish Transers last night and at one point I referred to them as ‘freaks’. I meant no harm but yet I was told off.