Quote Originally Posted by 7sisters View Post
Ah, but you see, more active and progressive types are less inclined towards maintaining the status quo. One needs occasionally to challenge the accepted wisdom, especially when it’s predicated on the basis of, well, ‘thats how we’ve always done things around here ‘ This isn’t some type of knee jerk fandom but a recognition for change.. One of the reasons why women walk out on a marriage after 15 years, leaving some poor disillusioned soul into wondering why 😀
Oddly, I thought of exactly this prallel the other week. I remember my wife telling me bitterly that I had reduced us to a statistic... And The Arsenal is now just the same as any other shoddy outfit, a West Ham or Everton, having relegated Arsene to just a statistic. Just another managerial caualty. Just another (once great) football club.