Quote Originally Posted by Monty92 View Post
I would suggest that they are cleverly turning the screw.

And so entrenched are these attitudes, the leadership are actually incapable of responding without making things worse. Look at Diane Abbot's closing comments during yesterday's debate - backbenchers have called them a "disgrace". And Corbyn can't condemn one of his key allies, so that in turn turn cranks up the pressure on him

If backbenchers who want to force Corbyn out resign then they become powerless. Condemning him from within is far more effective.
The problem is that there are enough anti-semites, Islamists, idiots/young people and purblind leftists around to keep him in power. He has his mandate and, as long as he's got that, they can't get rid of him. He won't resign because the hard left wants complete control of the party and will not let him go until they have in place the mechanisms and/or Parliamentary numbers in place to ensure leftist succession in any future leadership contest. Until then, they're in stalemate.