Quote Originally Posted by Monty92 View Post
when media interest returns to more interminable issues like Brexit and all this Facebook data wánkery.

However, it would be utterly criminal of the Tory party not to do everything in their power to ensure the story keeps rolling and that further damage is inflicted.The fact that the shadow cabinet – and in more moderate language the leadership itself – has now acknowledged institutional racism within its own party, there are still huge opportunities to be had.

I have absolutely no faith that these opportunities will be grasped, but if I was a Tory strategist I’d be mobilising every Tory MP, local councillor and supporter around the country to help do the following at the very least.

1) Continue to taint Corbyn by association by dredging up all of the times he’s turned a blind eye, or failed to adequately respond , to anti-Semitism in his party (of which there must be at least 50 examples since he was made leader). But crucially, discourage people from EVER explicitly referring to Corbyn himself as an anti-Semite, as this will too easily be shrugged off by his supporters and non-partisan observers as conspiratorial and part of a smear campaign (we learned from the general election that this isn’t effective)

2) Use this whole episode to implicate Momentum as being central to the (now officially recognised) institutional anti-Semitism within the Labour party. Achieve this by airing the fact that not a single Momentum member has stepped into the breach and condemned (or even acknowledged) this institutional racism. If no-one at Momentum – individually or collectively - is willing to do this, they must therefore be considered part of the problem.

3) Take a leaf out of the Allans’ book and play the race card at every opportunity. Monitor social media for any pronouncements made by Labour members and supporters who refuse to toe the new party line and continue to claim this is all a conspiracy designed to undermine Corbyn - and of course anyone who criticises Israel. The atmosphere right now means that any such claim will be considered, at the very least, part of the problem. Literally any time someone issues this sentiment, share it widely, retweet it and tag Corbyn’s Twitter account, asking him that he’s going to do about it. Pile on the pressure and don’t stop. The right wing media will help fan these flames and even the centre left media can’t help themselves when it comes to airing twitter storms.

Literally none of this will happen because the Tories are fúcking useless
Racism and anti-semitism are not Tory issues. Focusing attention on those issues doesnt help them.

You are right in point 1 though. THe idea is not to suggest that Corbyn is an anti semite, just a useless pawn in the game- a leader not remotely in control of his party. In politics, that is far worse than being seen as anti-semitic.

THen there is the bigger issue of whether they want rid of him. THey may be 50/50 on that....