Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Look, if people don't know any better than to wander out in front of fast-moving vehicles, then they are best removed from the gene pool imo. Doubly so if they are cyclists.

Personally, I am hugely in favour of these vehicles, since they will facilitate heavy drinking. Neck a faceful of ale, stumble into one's car and hey-ho, Johnny-robot takes you home as opposed to Johnny-illegal-immigrant or Johnny-Keen-Racist-From-Enfield. Marvellous.

Equally, awake at 6 the next morning still legless, but realising you have to get to Birmingham for a meeting. No problem. Stumble into the car half-dressed and, by the time you get there, you'll have had a kip, made yourself respectable and be ready to face whatever ghastly Midlander you have to convince to give you money.

I'm very much a fan.
If the thing came with a bed and a shower, I might be prepared to countenance it for long journeys. Otherwise it's an emasculation, pure and simple.