Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
Nah. Indian food is a wonder of controlled spicing, with an enormous variety of different dishes. The shít we eat in this country is mystery meat bathed in gravy which comes in buckets from a central supplier and differs only in colour and chilli content.

Poppadoms and lime pickle are a fine thing, to be sure, but you can't get a decent roti or chapati in this country.

When did you last see an Indian menu in Europe featuring the finest Indian dishes of all, the lal maas or the dal makhani? You didn't, because these would require a little care to prepare.

In short, you're eating shíte, and by eating it, you're encouraging the production of it.

Just stop.
Excuse me for butting in on you food snobs.... try coming to Bradford for a decent curry and you will never complain again