Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
(To the tune of Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band)

It was 54 years today
The CIA Killed JFK
The Mob, Cubans, Spooks and Oil
Did the job from the grassy knoll
As the file comes into view
Where the truth comes finally clean!
Georgie Bush was there right on the sce-e-e-ne!

One of the documents from the brand new file drop the other day seems to confirm that George Herbert was in Dallas on the 22nd, as some had long believed, and contrary to his denials. I can't find it now as there are a billion #jfk posts on twitter today. or I may have just made it up. All good fun.
I don't know what it is lefties see in JFK, tbh. He was the son of a plutocrat Nazi sympathiser, had a remarkably aggressive (albeit half-arsed) foreign policy - including getting the US embroiled in the clusterfück of Vietnam - he was deeply nepotistic, only got elected thanks to the Mob and generally was a bit of a cünt.

He needed shooting if you ask me.