Quote Originally Posted by Pokster View Post
Bono... anti poverty, anti tax havens, lobbyist for the poor and needy..... pays almost zero tax on all royalty's, he is also a director for 2 offshore companys to minimize his tax payments.

so in other words he is a hypocritical **** of the highest order.
Yes, I think this is the crucial point. The legal outrage will focus on the fact that the law allows rich ****s to dodge paying anything. THe outrage at individuals should focus on ****s like Bono who 'talk a good game' until it comes to putting their hand in their own pocket.

It always ****ing irritates me when Emirates pass round a hat towards the end of a flight asking for contributions towards their charity to help poor kids in Bangladesh. **** off you ****s. Your profits from a day could build a new village in Bangladesh but you want a fiver from me? They can whistle dixy.....