Quote Originally Posted by Luis Anaconda View Post
No, I don't think it is a massive slight on a man who chose a massive homophobe as his VP and whom she believes, with some justification, openly jokes about the subject. I don't think it a massive slight on a man who openly says in an election campaign he could walk into Times Square and shoot someone without it affecting his ratings. He has set the bar very low and I don't think it does much credit to anyone to sink to his level and I think it is a poorly written piece. ffs awimb now constitutes half the readership of that story I would think
So based on your feelings about his VP, the suspicion that he jokes about the subject (although, if he said that, I read that as him making fun of his VP, tbh) and something entirely unrelated that he said during the election, you're happy with the suggestion that he'd happily preside over the hanging of gay people?
