Quote Originally Posted by Peter View Post
Also, without wanting to be seen as supporting rape 'culture' it would be nice if a few more of the headlines suggesting allegations of rape had actual allegations of rape. I would never want to downplay the appalling actions of this man (heaven forbid) but attempted sexual assault (also known as 'making a pass' at someone) never used to be rape. Is it now rape?

It seems that the term 'rape culture' Is being used to bring all forms of behaviour deemed unacceptable or 'unwelcome' under the rape umbrella. It is rather confusing......
Everything's rape in Hollywood now, p. Unless you're Roman Polanski, of course. When he drugs, rapes and sodomises a 13 year-old girl, Hollywood types line up to say it's not 'rape-rape'.

The fact is that absolutely everyone on all sides seems so utterly dreadful as to make one despair.