Quote Originally Posted by bbrian View Post
Is he in detention too i wonder?
All terribly civilized, other than the bit where she assured me my daughter was thick enough that she couldn't possibly miss a week of school even though I had made it clear that that was almost certainly going to happen.

In the end it amounted to nothing more than me assuring them she would spend the last week before she returned to school revising the work that she missed while she was out. It did get slightly uncomfortable when she told me that the teachers would make no special arrangements to help her with the material that was taught while she was absent:

WES: so you're telling me that if Miss WES doesn't understand something from that week and asks for help her teachers will tell her that she's out of luck because she was on holiday?
Headmistress: No, of course they will help her
WES: fine, so there's no issue then
Headmistress: well, she really shouldn't be missing school and I can't assign teachers to specifically address issues that result because of that
WES: I'm not asking you to
Headmistress: oh well that's all fine then