Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
I doubt he would, actually. If he were a footballer, it would be expected and a bit meh. It's precisely because he's a cricketer that this is unusual.

I think he should be allowed to go on the Ashes tour because he hasn't actually been convicted of anything yet and because - even if he is - it's not actually that big a deal. I wouldn't say knocking people out is 'normal', but if every bloke who as a young man has got pïssed and punched someone were to be convicted for it and have their professional life blighted for it, we'd have an awful lot of criminal records knocking about. Getting into fights isn't particularly clever or dignified, but it happens, has always happened and will always happen. Throwing our hands up in horror about this one instance of something you can see in any town centre on a Friday night is just silly.
GLWTP imo....