Quote Originally Posted by MickeyPearce View Post
Cech starts in goal...his best position

Koscielny, Mustafi and Nacho are the 3 centre backs

Bellerin will play as the right wing back and Kolasinac as the left wing back

Xhaka will play as the defensive midfielder

iWobi, Ramsey and Alexis will be the attacking midfielders.

Lacazette starts up front in his best position


Coldish morning so Ozil's knee is still playing up and won't be risked. Ramsey will assume his No10 role as he did versus Chelsea.

Kind Regards

Your Best Mate

Mickey Pearce esq.
Hi Mickey - How has Alexis been getting on in training? Has he continuously been giving the ball away and then throwing both arms into the air when a teammate does the same?