Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Whether it's a bad thing or not is in one sense neither here nor there. It is definitively not, however, what Britain's electorate were sold back in 1973/5, it is plainly not what they want and is what they have been repeatedly reassured that the EEC/EC/EU was not for the last 40 years by lying politicians. We have always sort of bumbled along under the assumption that the EU was primarily a trading bloc, missing the fact that it is an ideological institution with a clearly-defined and - to British minds at least - highly unwelcome end point.

Thankfully, the likes of Juncker woke us up to the truth and we bailed.
I think one thing we can both agree on is that Juncker is an absolute dream for those opposed to the EU. Who would have thought a drink-sodden Luxembourger could have such influence