Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
This is probably not a wise course of action, long-term, as I've noticed that, as with heroin, the more you drink it, the greater a resistance you build up and before you know it, you're the sort of person who thinks nothing of drinking pints of 9.5% scrumpy, have no teeth and find yourself saying 'Arrrrrr' to mean 'Yes'.

No. Best to knock it 'pon the head. Shame, as I've become rather fond of it.
I have never had much truck with cider, even as a teenager when it was the done thing I was not a fan.

I recall buying litres of the stuff from a farmer at my formative Glastonbury Festival, 1989. That did not end well.

These days when the occasion arises, perhaps a nice summer barbecue, I may partake of 4-6 cans of Bulmers but never otherwise.

* Actually I have been known to snaffle Mrs SW's bottle of Stella cidre when the well is dry, 2am on a sunday morning thing.