Quote Originally Posted by redgunamo View Post
I thought lefties loved Russia? You know, commies and a' that?
It's their lust for hate and war that gets me, redg. Look, I know for some of you chaps war is business and all that but the left used to be against that sort of stuff. They hate Russia because of the relentless propaganda campaign since their darling Hillary lost the election. Keep repeating a lie often enough, and most people will believe it.

This writer sort of summed it up;
from https://off-guardian.org/2017/08/18/charlottesville-2/

.... so, why did the liberal/progressives align with the military/security complex and the neoconservatives against Donald Trump who declared, to his undoing, his intention to normalize relations with Russia, thus removing the enemy needed to justify the $1 trillion annual budget of the military/security complex? These vast monies could have gone into health care for the unprovided, into public assistance for the unprovided, but the liberal/progressive/left would not have it. If the liberal/progressives are so against violence and hate, why do they support the hate campaign against Trump and Russia?