Quote Originally Posted by SWv2 View Post
No, your average shopkeeper will gladly take it once you point out them in a polite manner that the money is sterling.

A common problem back in the day.
I've disliked scotch currency since a day in my youth when I got into an altercation with a scotchman after he overheard me make some disparaging remark in response to a friend of mine claiming that the Highland clearances had 'destroyed Scottish culture'. I opined that Scottish culture at that time consisted of living on a hillside and shagging your sister. Our scotch friend took umbrage at this, got up and started waving a scotch fiver in my face and claiming that people like me would 'turn the place intae fùckin' Bosnia' or some such guttural nonsense. All very ugly and unnecessary, of course, but that's the scotch for you.