Quote Originally Posted by Peter View Post
I think it is the assumption about what I want. For the record, I want the bad guys (the rapists and van hirers) out and the good guys (ye of every faith and creed, bereft of hate, of spite, of greed) to all go for a beer together (or whatever your poison of choice).
The great thing about North London Turks, such as those you grew up with, is that you can go for a beer with them. wd Ataturk. Shame Turkish secularism has just been batted back into the 20th century.

And without wishing to start the muck spreading, I am getting a bit ****ing sick of you all adopting the American version of the term liberalism as though it were some sort of insult.

Liberalism is a british invention; it enshrined so many of the things we take for granted today as our civil liberties. It is in the USA that it is used as an abusive term to beat the ‘left’ with. I will have no part of it whatsoever.
It really might help if contemporary liberalism wasn't so bleedin illiberal, of course. Free speech? LOOOOOOOL! Tolerance for different opinions? ROTFLMAO! and so on.

Shake we call it #fakeliberal?