Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Of course. But they're just the easily-cowed useful idiots. It's scumbag MPs across the House who look at their seat's demographics before deciding how they feel about mass rape of underage girls for whom I reserve my most vicious condemnation.
Sarah Champion herself has also shown her true colours, despite her commendable response after the Newcastle convictions, when she said she'd been awake all night thinking about all of these girls who had been raped and enough was enough, we have to face the reality of where this problem is coming from.

Now she's effectively been forced out of her job. So if she truly cared about those young white girls that she claimed lost her a night's sleep, she would be all over the press, condemning the fact she's been forced out, and being more vocal than ever about the whole issue.

But of course, the chances of her doing so are zero, and she will keep a low profile and wait to be offered another job within the Labour party.