Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Well I think there is an argument that the promotion of homosexuality and similar causes has done precisely that. That isn't to say I wish we could go back to a less permissive time, but a number of babies have gone out with the bathwater - literally so in the case of the abortion debate. The fear is that, in moving away from a fairly restrictive and conservative society, we are simply moving to an equally restrictive 'progressive' model.
Perhaps our best hope is the Allans. What happens when the inevitable culture clash takes place between gay/women hating Muzzies and progressives? Until now, as we know, the two sides have formed an unholy alliance, but that is purely a marriage of convenience to further each other's causes by shutting down opposing voices.

But what happens when 30, 40, 50 per cent of the country think that Gay Pride is an abomination? Could it be then that it all comes crashing down?